
Why are religions so powerful? How is it that good can prevail even with all
the uncertainties of religion? It is the power to harness our imagination to save
what we love and fend off the evils that beset us. The most common evil is
trespassing and the presumption of forgiveness for doing so. You should not
destroy your imagination, but you should use it to bounce evil away.
If you fight evil with evil, evil will win.


Has God abandoned us

From the Ashes of Angels

The Sumerian Swindle 1

The Sumerian Swindle 2

History of Christianity

Ten Christian Myths

True NT Authorship

Was There a Jesus

Caesar's Messiah

Electric Universe

Common Sense

Tao Te Ching

The US Constitution

The Federalist Papers

The Camp of the Saints

Brew for your Chrislam

To Cocoa Beach P.D.
The Adam and Eve Story - Chan Thomas Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock From the Ashes of Angels - Andrew Collins Science Disproves the "Out of Africa" Theory The Sumerian Swindle 1 How the Jews Betrayed Mankind The Sumerian Swindle 2 The History of Christianity Caesar's Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus Ten Christian Myths A Beginner's View of Our Electric Universe Tao Te Ching Camp of the Saints Metaphysical"