Has God abandoned us?
The problem is in our mis-conception of God.
The Creator created all things. Our three letter word for goodness is God.
We evolve from our own goodness or lack of it. If we produce no goodness,
we produce a godless society. That is the truth. Dismiss it if you want,
but you will be dismissing what your heart and God tells you is true. It is
the greatest of mistakes to think that God is a central figure surrounded
by angels. That is not God. That is an individual trying to convince all other
individuals that only he or she can understand the Universe the Creator created.
Those involved are not really concerned about resolving matters or even solving
crimes. Their objectives are no more than to obtain a feeling of control over others.
That is kingdom, wherein the participants constantly bite and claw at each other
to stay in power.
Pause for an English lesson
French: lire, German: lesen, Irish: leigh, Italian: leggere,
Latin: lego, Portugese: leiter, Spanish: leer, and Swedish: lasa
all predate and translate to the English word: read,
which is a cognate of:
French: roue, German: Rad, Irish: roth, Italian: ruota,
Latin: roto, Portugese: roda, Spanish:: rueda, Swedish: ratt
which predate and translate to English: wheel.
And, roads were divided into lanes.
Why is that, Englander?
Females are the essence of the ethereal; males the substance of the corporeal.
The assumption of speaking to someone in their Spirits is a presumption upon
their females. Males do not use female bathrooms so as not to pollute the females.
If you wish to argue it is men who are pure, erase all your X chromosomes first.
It will make it easier to send you to Hell.
To all who think to have "The Word of God":
Actions Speak Louder than Words.
It is good to give glory to God, but it is bad to miss the fact that so many
people are willing to step up and play god. Going up to people and saying,
"So-and-so has saved you. Thanks for the control", is affectatious and grossly
presumptuous. Giving control to those who claim to be a Divine Being's
representative is similar to giving control to a representative of the
government or artificial intelligence. Doing so will eventually render
the voices of those who relinquish control meaningless. Any politician
who constantly invokes God will swiftly assume the role if allowed.
He or she will makes his/her right hand word "we" seeking control.
Churches everywhere missed the opportunity to show that faith could
overcome the modified flu virus. But that would have stopped the roll-out
of the vaccines. Most of the people who died of the Spanish (actually Kentucky)
Flu were vaccinated. Any predator who is telling the people that their Savior,
a man who could raise the dead, would take a vaccine shot is EVIL!!!
Anybody who believes such a charlatan is lost, forever
Those who talk to statues will say, "There is a God." Yeah? How
would you know? There's a toilet in the bathroom. Go talk to it.
General Berger: You are going to need lots of bullets.
General Milley: We don't use bullets.
Read this, please (very short).
The World governments, by their policies, insinuate that the Chairman
of the Royal College of Physicians and other Professionals are lacking
credentials or experience. Why do the leaders not recognize true merit?
Why do they promote education (student debt) now and non-recognition, later?
Why do they censor valid data and present rubbish as actuality? It is because
they, due to the positions of power they hold, have no desire to listen to
qualified individuals stating facts. They fear that giving credit where credit
is due would be admitting that, minutes earlier, they did not know something.
That would mar their self image of omniscience, and thus of omnipotence.
They act as if real education causes some kind of disease. Then, they
want to destroy anything their ignorance leads them to fear.
G-E-D is in control. Yaaay... NOT!
The original Christians were Greek-Egyptians. They had no central figure
called "Jesus". Manetho presented to Ptolemny a statue of Serapis, the Unity of
all the gods probably as a legal obligation to establish an authorized religion.
One of the requirements to be a Roman Christian, the first group to promote
Jesus, was to renounce Judaism. Click on the link, "Click here for information",
further down on this page and read "History of Christianity" which quotes
documents written by those who compiled the Bible. Emporer Julian, yeah,
the One who wrote Revelations, envisioned the scars of a branding iron as
the Mark of the Beast. The Beast referred to Nero, whose number was 666,
and whose tyranny, along with the possible tyrrany of those who succeed
him, supressed or might suppress the growth of Roman Catholicism.
Quit your cry-babying about a third temple!
The Bible says the first temple took 80,000 jewish stone cutters, 70,000 jewish
stone porters and 3,600 lebanese supervisors seven years to construct and was only
60 cubits (96 feet) long, 20 cubits (32 feet) wide and 30 cubits (48 feet) high.
(Note: a cubit is roughly one and a half (1.6) feet. It is not a city block.
Also, fifty Romans could have done that in less time, in case you're wondering.
The Bible was not written by hermits in caves. Only the wealthy could afford learning,
and being a scribe was one of the most lucrative professions in the ancient world.)
The "second temple" was basically a mud hut the jews threw together that Herod the Great
refurbished into a temple. Herod even supplied the jews with the tools and equipment
they needed for farming and other trades, which the jews promptly sold to have money
to "lend to the poor". Herod did more for the jews than any Monarch ever, yet he
was demonized by the jews due to his Palestinean ancestry. He never ordered a warrant
for a baby-god. He died in 4 B.C.E. The meticulous Romans record the only census
then as Quirinius' in 6 C.E. in which nobody had to travel anywhere.
"The Nativity" exists only in the imagination. Ben Joachim is and is not.
If you accept D_v_d (and his type) for eliminating a general to take
the general's wife, you would cause others the same fate as the general.
You would probably proclaim S'loman's 153,600 men taking seven years
to construct a small office building a great achievement. You probably
believe a son wearing a goat skin glove could fool his dimwit dad who
couldn't recognize his own son's voice. Imagine what the kid could do
with a mink stole. You are missing the parody.
While bobbing your head at the wailing wall, don't forget the Kitos War of 115-117 A.D.
in which jewish rebels slaughtered over 440,000 Roman, Greek and other civilians.
After that, the jews were expelled from Cyprus and nearly vanished from Alexandria.
Nostradamus: "The Trumpet False"
Trump is sincere in his willingness to lead. Maybe he realizes now that "Any
president has the authority to suspend the entry of any aliens or of any class
of aliens into the United States [who] would be detrimental to the interests of
the United States” under Title 8, Section 1182 of the U.S. Code, part of the
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952", and that any judge who issues an
injunction to that explicit right should be physically removed from the bench.
Maybe Trump understands the damage his Trade War with China inflicted on the
people of this country and he should have sanctioned companies that moved to
China, instead. (If the US military fails, China will "absorb" those businesses,
overnight.) Maybe, now, he knows the rich will only pocket any tax breaks.
Maybe his time in court, will help him understand how Syria felt when he bombed
them due to fabricated evidence of a gas attack that was proven false by the UN.
Maybe he now understands how a widow felt when he unsuccessfully tried to use
eminent domain to evict her from her house so he could expand the limousine
parking lot of his Atlantic City casino. Maybe Trump should be given the
"benefit of the doubt" for pushing "Warp Speed" vaccines, but that is doubtful.
Maybe he realizes promising to arrest someone if he's elected, then exonerating
that someone after he is elected makes him like any other two-bit politician.
Maybe he's figured out a way not to surround himself with swamp rats, next time.
Hubris indicates the only thing Trump will do, if re-elected, especially after
not pardoning those hunted down for supporting him on January 6th, is act out
some other pretense of draining "the swamp". His pick of pro-israel Vance for
Vice President and other zions certainly reveals his intent.
He said he wanted you Christians to get out and vote "one last time", and
you'll never have to vote again. (What does that mean?) He says he loves you.
Where have you heard that, before? Oh, yeah. Trump: "I love you, Julian Assange.".
Then, after being elected - Trump: "Julian who? Never heard of him."
Don't be surprised if, after being elected Trump surrounds himself with a worse
type than he did last time. Don't be surprised if he starts to move against the
immigrants, some John-or-Amy-type judge issues an injunction and, in spite of having
legal authority, Trump and his jewish handlers will feign helplessness before it.
When Trump says Israel will be "The Divine Capital of the World", he means
to prioritize making it the center of religious, financial and military power.
He has stated at rallies that criticism of israel should be punishable by death.
Death!? Your patriotic champion of free speech threatens death for any criticism
of his handlers. The goyim who follow him will willfully support Martial Law to
round up "illegals" - immigrants and critics. Yeehaw! But, he has already promised
green cards to immigrants who get diplomas at our expense, so that leaves the critics.
Expect to be given the "option" of accepting Noahide Law (like the vaccine).
Don't be surprised when the war against Iran precludes the necessity to close
the border. and immigrants are drawn into the military for Israel's grudge fight.
Trump: "My hand was covered with blood. There was blood absolutely all over the place."
Check the videos. Both statements are false, which brings into question other statements.
Trump's physician, former Rep. Ronny Jackson, said the wound was 2 centimeters
wide and did not require sutures. 2cm is over 3/4 of an inch, so there really
would have been blood "all over the place", It would have been in his hair
behind the wound and on his spotless shirt collar. But, there is no blood splatter
in those areas. The tiny bit of "blood-splatter" on his face is in the opposite
direction of the bullet. So when and where did he see all that blood? Was he
referring to another time and place? A rubber room, perhaps?
A week after the incident, it was visible that no part of Trump's ear was missing
or even damaged. But, by now, everyone is supposed to be too dumb to tell.
Woods? What woods? All thet's thar is sum trees. Whut, thar's more uv em? Whar?
His whole campaign, including the ridiculous court procedings, (which got him
millions in donations) was Larry Nichols' "underdog" strategy to get him elected.
The jews told us a hundred years ago they would use our religions to enslave us.
Anybody who has been paying attention can see the whole ordeal about the
persecution of T-rump is to make him a historical figure for the future - a jew who
overcame insurmountable odds to become king of America, israel and the whole world.
That would allow their mom-and-popash die-nasties to continue another thousand years.
What could "The Trumpet False" possibly mean? Trump is a billionaire jew.
Trump is an actor. To billionare, thesbian jews, the goyim are the swamp.
Which Noahide Law states, "Thou shalt not lie?" None of them!
Rothschild lied when he said he kehred not who made the laws.
The only way he could gain control of the money was to make the laws that
allowed him to sweep those fortunes into his account. He would argue that he
said he didn't care who made the laws, as long as his laws were made. However, he
made sure his henchmen made the laws. Now, the West sees deceit as the key to success.
Most of what government officials are saying now will, within a
month, be lies. The "officials" are not breaking any Noahide Law.
Watching their speeches is as riveting as watching a toilet overflow.
If there is one thing those who seek power fear the most, it is
they won't get their way without spilling lies to everyone.
Reject their lies, bribes and beguilements. Dismiss them.
Do not heroize them or their goons. They are heroes in their own eyes.
Everyone else is insignificant. Goons will do anything for a reward.
(Goons who lie while interrogating would certainly lie while under oath.)
virtue or vice, their true emphasis is on inflated self image.
To them, God is dog spelled backwards - dogfart.
Most of them can't think beyond breakfast.
True, civilized people are inclined to elevate themselves above those who are
really more animal than human, but how does continuously chanting to oneself,
"I am the Lord thy God" differ one from those who think themselves the King of Beasts?
If referring to an individual instead of a collective, one recites "Only God is good",
one precludes anyone else being good. Besides, what is meant by good? Money?
Authoritative figures nowdays emphasize the asking of trivial questions
in an attempt to appear intelligent, i.e. non-Dumbass, more than they do
receiving pertinent answers (which they don't know what to do with).
They would rather give study to whether cars pass gas or can take a dump.
Or, how sitting in the snow for a thousand years can turn one's ass white.
(Not a bad idea. Ready? Begin. If yore ass git stuck, jes reach down dere
wif a Bic Lighter and free yerself.)
CERN is where they break down reality into
something they can understand. Huh? What?
They need tweezers and magnifying glasses
with a note, "There's always something smaller."
Nowdays, Oxford seems to mean a cow crossing.
Are your teeth white? Do you hate your teeth?
Do the pro-maskers fear a virus? No, they fear the morons they elected to
do their thinking. Where will that lead them, Australia? Now, it is known
the vaccinated produce and spread spike proteins which were patented in 1990 by
the Americans as bio-weapons. If you believe Pfizer's claim of their vaccines being
safe and effective, why don't you believe their report that 1223 vaccinated
people died within 28 days of being vaccinated? Just sayin'.
The quickest way to get dumbed down is to exhalt the dumb.
To them, their own brains are grey aliens.
How can anyone be biological if they ain't even logical?
They think with their downstairs.
Nostradamus: Century 2, Quatrain 10:
"Before long, all will be set in order.
We will expect a very sinister century.
The state of the masked and solitary ones much changed.
Few will be found who will want to be in their place."
(Guess who that is.)
Century 2, Quatrain 44:
"The Eagle driven back around the tents
will be chased from there by other birds:
When the noise of cymbals, trumpets and bells
Will restore the senses of the senseless lady."
(Perhaps Antifa and BLM will overtake a city,
and the celebration of it will shock a woman
drunk on power (KN) back to her senses.)
The-Powers-That-Be want to herd the general population into "Smart Cities"
i.e. FEMA Camps. They cannot even handle a couple thousand immigrants
gathered in one present day metropolis. Should they try to forcibly
re-locate armed Citizens, every Law Enforcement Agent, every Soldier, every
Government Official and their Families would have Targets on their Backs
not only from citizens, but from armed immigrants who would usurp their hosts.
One might think the immigrants will be taken in by the military, but what happens
when the government defaults and can't pay them? Eminent domain? Hardly. Knowing what
we know about them, that they don't communicate with each other, despise our language
because of what it represents and are emboldened with the memory of having obtained
billions of dollars of military equipment from us in Afghanistan without a fight
- mutiny and then anarchy.
Century 1, Quatrain 81:
"Of the human flock, nine will be set apart,
separated from judgment and counsel.
Their fate is sealed as they depart.
Kappa Theta Lambda dead, banished and scattered."
(The Supreme Court if the Democrats get them to vary from
the Path of Justice? Kappa Theta Lambda is a sorority of
successful black business women.)
If the evil ones in control continue to render the Constitution
meaningless, the laws prohibiting cessation won't matter, either.
The rich and powerful are so vain and conceited they feel
defending God would cause them to lose control to some other being.
Anxiety of losing touch with their own self love is what causes them to
do evil to others. They think others would exploit them as they exploit.
Thus, they do not grow goodness and despise those who do.
No? Why did the Powers-That-Be flood Europe, countries that were
curbing their population naturally, with an illiterate, unskilled,
non-assimilating (so-called) workforce only to later shut down
the entire European economy? They ruined the beauty of Europe
because they hated it. (Also, they deemed themselves gods leading their
newly chosen, non-productive people (more than 153,600) to a promised land.)
The demons who continuously try to increase the population of the world
for commerce's sake are the same ones handing out awards to the imbeciles
who are modifying the weather to scorch and drown the overpopulation.
If their only goal was to impose socialism on America, they would have
installed Mr. Bernie Sanders as President for a smooth transition.
They lead the world to the depths of Hell due to their inability
to bring themselves to preserve and maintain the beauty of life.
Instead, they rape, kill and devour it, thinking to keep it
to themselves. Then, they pretend to be what they eat,
so they can fool and cross the Christians.
Do not blame God. It is the fault of people who let themselves be fooled -
people who bought GM after GM skated with Billions to China, union workers and
students who voted in a known liar, judges and officials who thought material
wealth the key to Heaven, people who thought money and power were God, people
who believed in the pretense of Hollywood and video games more than they did
reality, people who participated in the dumbing down of their own society like
Arizona Judge Thompson, who can't see changing printer settings as "deliberate"
or (female?) Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson who can't define what a woman is (and
probably not a black one), but, mislaid before the world, defined what a retard is,
people who enforced lockdowns for a feeling of power rather than refuse to do so
on moral grounds and the advice of experts in the medical profession, people who
got vaccinated at "Warp Speed" and died, Tennesseans, who instead of outlawing
vaccined produce, label such groceries as vaccinated, people who gave up their guns
and now suffer tyranny, people who base decisions on spite rather than logic,
people who think their bosses assholes for making them work while at work,
people taking acting lessons to learn to lie convincingly and believe other liars,
people who claim the family the foundation of civil society and yet worship
one who claimed to bring fire and sword to turn family members against each other,
fools who support Netanyahu after he swore to drain America and funded Hamas
so Hamas would attack Israel so America would send billions of dollars to Israel,
ignoramus Republicans who rant against abortion (their rivals get abortions).
and on, and on... especially, those who took the reins of this planet and
shirked their responsibility to guide it with truth.
What happens if we believe them?
Click here.
What can we believe? Should we not believe works based on centuries
of research, if our present day evolvement is to mean anything at all?
Click here for information.
Henry Breasted rightly noted in the late 1800's the Chinese were still
living in the Dark Ages due to their reluctance to vary from tradition.
Also, trying to force the future to fit the prophecies of the past
precludes any viable solutions.
Had America praised Russia for sending the first human to space, the whole
world could have followed in peace. Now America is making a mess of instituting
socialism, and the world is learning from America what greed does to a country.
Click here for World News
Click here for U.S. News
If the population does not voluntarily curb its desire to possess,
all the tyranny in the world won't save the planet. The planet will fail
if its spirits are continuously fueled by vanity, pride and moon landings.
(You should know by now that was Cannon A.F.B., New Mexico - not the moon.
Also, all the priests and nuns who claim to be "fathers" and "mothers" need
to be sent some Niagra Viagra and lingerie to properly earn the titles or
quit desiring to possess those designations.)
You in power have damaged the merit system. The merit system requires you,
too, to have merit. You were too evil to defend the real truth because you
wanted to rule like the power-hungry who authored your "Holy Books" promised.
You flatter those who survive the wars you send them to, yet give them nothing.
Your generosity to cover that is flowing to those who, following your example,
will stab you in the back in spite of you serving their needs.
You powerful set a poor example. You say you want equality and sustainability.
How about wage caps? How about 10-15 percent tax across the board to go
to infrastructure, education, health care and social security? No more
"Foundations". No more bureaus. No more exhorbitant pensions.
But, no. You lead the world in wanting it all.
To all you affluent people who want to flee tyranical areas:
I grew up here in Cocoa Beach. In the 1960's and 70's, I could see 30 feet
under water. In the early 2000's, I could see 5 to six feet to the bottom
as I surfed. Now, visibility under water is less than 12 INCHES. You all who
fled here from up north dredged up the ocean floor to build dunes to protect
your properties to the point there is no surf whatsoever. You dudes who think
you're going to be the next Kelly Slater are riding ripples, and ninety percent
of the women you brought down with you are waaay too fat to be in bikinis.
You move down here to our state and buy up property to sell, before closing,
at higher prices to other cowards that flee your states. You knowingly and
willfully hike up the prices of everything you can to sate your greed. In the
last ten years, the cost of housing has tripled, You have no consideration for
those who truly desire a home. You betray mankind. The dollar is losing its
purchasing power, because so many people invest in something cheap and drive
the price skyward trying to make a fortune instead of honestly making a living.
You who consider $500,000.oo for a $50,000 house an investment must be totally
thrilled about the prospects of investing $50.00 for a $5.00 loaf of bread.
Honest work for honest pay is now a thing of the past. The only way for the
dollar to regain its strength is to lower the price of indispensables, but you,
in your stupidity, say you raise costs to keep up with inflation.
If you had not raised the price of everything, you would not have
needed to print more money. You dug a pit for everyone.
Science is our study of how something works. If something exists and functions,
our not knowing how it works does not prevent it from working. The usefulness
of science is we can find how something works, identify what causes it not
to work, remedy any malfunctions and create variations of what works.
We've had a cure for cancer (Dr. Raymond Rife) since 1934,
a 50 mpg fuel system (Chevrolet) since 1973, a 650 h.p 75 mpg (Porsche)
fuel system since 2010, a 200 mpg fuel system (Volkswagon) since 2012,
Norplant (Finland) to address the problem of unwanted pregnancy since 1983
(when the world population was only half of what it is now), ivermectin,
Earth Energy etc. and all such things have been suppressed.
You Powers-That-Be, who control churches, governments and influential media could
have tended to the world's dilemnas decades ago. Instead of using those institutions
to achieve practical outcomes, those "tools" were used to throw the world into disarray.
You could have had the samne income from petroleum products for hundreds of years,
but you chose to fuel your monetary gluttony at the expense of supply volume.
Why did it not occur to everybody that $20.00 per gallon for 200 mpg gas is
the same as $2.00 per gallon 20 mpg gas and supply will last ten times as long?
The shift to electric vehicles is due to the expected petroleum depletion by 2040.
Informing everyone of menstrual cycles would be wiser than promoting LGBT to curb population.
Instead of threatening Pro-Lifers, pass a law legalizing Norplant in the US.
It is 99.95% effective with few side effects (look it up on Wikipedia).
No conception, nothing there to abort. $500 for five years vs $500-$2500 per abortion.
You have known for decades what is coming.
Only recently have you discovered that the shelters you
have built are vulnerable to structural cracks. Once you all get
down there, you will claw and worm into each other for control.
On top of that, half of you are liars, pedophiles and psychopaths.
The other half, being dim-witted, do not know what to do about it.
Are you "Powers That Be" trying to get everyone to hate God, so
everyone will be unforgiven, and in the end, proclaim
yourelves gods? You have a mis-conception of God.
Those who love fear, fear love. Those who love hate, hate love.
You do not promote overall goodness because you fear and hate it.
You teach us in schools to love each other, only to show you won't.
You in position of Lords could have let the world diminish its population, naturally,
but you feared not having a future work force to exploit. Civil people would have willingly
settled for less to provide for the future. You could have lowered the price of necessities
for a generation to maintain the balance of government financial support and dependency.
Instead, you opened borders to allow new breeding grounds to the uncivilized.
The strategy is for America to use eminent domain to pay its international debt.
The recipients are already arriving. Now you fund millions of those primitives,
whose appetites will never be sated, and whose funds you plan to suddenly retrench
due to a dollar collapse before inauguration should you lose the 2024 Election.
But, you will have enough to fund the government while citizens have bank bail-ins.
If you win, it will only take one election cycle for the hordes of immigrants
given voter status to realize they would rather elect one of thwir own.
America is failing because it was too stupid to know what
did not belong to it and too careless to defend what did.
Those of you in power are hardly getting your way, now. But...
Everybody you employ: your guards, butlers, maids, cooks, tech support,
et cetera, will need to be given shelter in yours as the world,
due to your manipulations, sours. You should have ruled by Truth.
You do not take your own medicine, knowing you would not survive it.
Everyone you paid to lie was told they were "just acting".
When the Universe turns on you, it won't be "just acting".
It ain't sudden, yet. Sudden was 1177 B.C. Dumb kings. No way out.
You will not be able to hide behind the peen. There won't be one.
Has God abandoned us?
What God is that? There being a God has always been an assumption.
We've perceived God as a provider for our boundless wants and needs.
The truth is: we have produced way more anger, lust and greed than
we have the goodness we call God. Don't say you quit and grab for more.
Refusing to remove your hand from others' goods is called coveting.
You did not pass math class, so quit grabbing or whining for an "A".
It appears you are afflicted with the inability to not do wrong.
For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
When the rulers covet that which is the peoples',
the people will covet that which is the rulers'.
Before the Roman-Jewish Yashua, a "christian" was "a good person".
Christ is not one individual. It is the goodness we can produce.
It grows in some places and withers in others. Those places in which
Christ thrives we call Heaven. Trying to personify Tao, Christ or Allah
into only one individual creates an anti-god in that only that individual
is seen as good, whereas it is assumed all other individuals are not good.
If God was truly an all-powerful central goodness, there would be no corruption
in high places. Being stripped of our illusion of goodness by the assertion only
a central God can ever be good omits us from Heaven's environment thus allowing
the central control to be corrupt. After the Goths conquered Rome. the word,
Deus, was changed to Gott, which can mean a good person. What has changed?
We were told Kingdom has been overrun by violence. so we would open
our Heaven to their Kingdom. Read the news. Look around you.
Heaven has been driven over by Kingdom. If things continue
in their present direction, all G-O-D is going to be is
somebody couldn't spell G-E-D.